a collection of seasonal living inspiration

Perhaps you've noticed a plethora of resources scattered across shop shelves and websites, all vying for your attention with promises of embracing seasonal living. But amidst this sea of options, can they truly deliver? What if there existed a remarkable gem, dedicated to fostering a lifestyle of unhurried simplicity, intricately woven with the rhythm of the changing seasons?

Embark on a transformative journey towards a life deeply grounded in the beauty of each passing season. Together, let us embrace the philosophy of slow and deliberate living, immersing ourselves in the ever-evolving tapestry of nature's cycles.

Join us in living a more rooted life.

Don't miss out on an autumn season filled with connection!

Now Available for $18.00

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The Yearbook

Seasonal wisdom, recipes, and other tips for a simpler home.

Creating a Memorable Secondhand Christmas

In one of the Facebook groups I’m in for December babies, someone recently asked what our Christmas budget was for our kids. I saw a lot of numbers – ranging...

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Turn Your Must-Do Moments into Special Moments

Sometimes it can feel like we are so rushed in life that we just move from one "must-do activity" to another "must-do activity", typically rushing through them to just to...

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Why You Should Eat (And Grow!) More Garlic

Learn how garlic can benefit your family by adding more than just flavor to meals!  Here are some time-tested recipes and remedies to help you add garlic into your daily...

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Meet the Creator.

Hi, I'm Allyson. I live on a 1/2 acre in the suburbs with my husband, two children (aka: the sprouts), our family dog (Maple), and a colony of chickens. We've lost count of how many!

Our family is on a journey to reclaim a simpler life. Join us as we venture down the path of independence and resilience, uncovering the tried-and-true practices of generations passed.

Our paths will look different, but our hearts the same. Together we are... The Rooted Folk.